Welcome to Safety
Our lives online today are more hazardous than ever. Email is not secure. Social networks are not safe. Yet life online will only become more essential. Our networks need to become safe and effective.
We need a better place online to live our lives. We need basic safety. We need to upgrade the network from dangerous media to useful tool. We need a place so safe, we can do real business.
From a foundation of security, safety and privacy, USpace protects you online into the future. USpace is where secure business gets done.
Free sign up for the USpace Safety Network will resume following our campaign to build Virtual Storefronts for local businesses in the U.S.


Quotes from “A Privacy-Focused Vision for Social Networking,” Mark Zuckerberg, March 06, 2019 and 2019 F8 Keynote speech, “The Future Is Private”
A privacy-focused communications platform will become more important than today's open platforms
Technical features like encryption mean nothing if the people running your platform promise you nothing but features. Encryption supports non-binding claims of “security” and “privacy” by dangerous companies like Facebook that won’t make your life online safe. USpace is a service taking responsibility for your safety.
Published vs. Unpublished
Ever wonder why Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter – even messaging services like Messenger, WhatsApp and Telegram – never, ever resolve their problems? Why every week someone new is talking about democracy being crushed; the new successful propaganda campaign; a mob ‘canceling’ someone or spreading lies; or entire populations of people being targeted for racial extermination using Facebook?
Why not just stop it?
The answer is they can’t, because their business model depends on allowing everyone to publish almost anything. The harms are built into the model. Usually all these services can do is damage control after the harm is done.
Watch Privacy Matters, “One unsolvable problem to rule them all” to see how this works.
No snakes in the garden
Look at Facebook as a ‘Walled Garden.” Who and what gets in, and what is allowed in the garden, is decided by the people who create and run the garden.
All kinds of dangerous ‘snakes’ that are allowed into published social media ‘gardens’ are blocked from your life on USpace by default:
• You can’t be discovered by other users on or off USpace until you agree to connect to that person, knowing their email address in real life
• No politician, news outlet, fake profile, robot profile, scam artist, or random stalker can touch your profile – or even know you are on USpace – unless you intentionally connect with them
• We don’t filter what you see on USpace, everything that happens appears to you in chronological order
• We don’t permit advertising on USpace, businesses pay to do business in a protected, private space as a premium service to their customers, who access the garden for free.
• What you do when you are on USpace is between you and only the people who are in any one conversation. Everyone outside a conversation is completely blocked from that discussion. This is why we call these Post and Comment text chats ‘Digital Conference Rooms.”
By blocking other entities and making your activity visible to only you and the people who you are conducting business with, USpace has created an online space so discreet, real life business can be conducted here safely.
No third party access
Remember Cambridge Analytica? That was when we found out tens of thousands of Facebook users who took a ‘researcher’s’ quiz had their data sold to Cambridge Analytica, a political marketing firm, without their knowledge.
But they also collected data from thousands of people who never agreed to take the quiz, Facebook Friends of the people who did take the quiz.
The company that bought the data off the professor engineered powerful, psychologically manipulative advertising for the 2016 Trump campaign, without any of these Facebook users ever knowing.
This is a single, isolated example of how Facebook has given companies with all kinds of unexamined motivations and goals massive data collecting access to nearly any third party vendor.
• No third parties, like the company Cambridge Analytica, are given permission to enter USpace, because USpace can’t control what these businesses want or need, or what they are willing to do, like extracting your data to create more effective advertising
• No third parties are granted access to the garden because giving third parties access keys to platforms is a top cause of external security breaches at platforms like Facebook
You can’t put leaked data ‘back in the bottle.’ That’s why USpace is making a service that is safe for you. Prohibiting third parties from gathering data on our platform makes your life online safer by eliminating risk to you.
Our commitment to not allowing ourselves or others gather your data is so strong, we are legally bound to not collect your data, as written in our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
True Privacy, True Safety
While Mark Zuckerberg uses encryption to imply his products are safe without addressing a single core issue that makes Facebook products dangerous and invasive, USpace has reverse engineered the entire idea of the social network to create the leading online safety network in the world.
The foundation of USpace’s safety is built from our proprietary connection protocol, Advanced Permission Design, which keeps your online life and activities private to only you and those you share conversations with
• Free enterprise level safety and security in a design more intuitive than Facebook facilitates widespread adoption among the public
• Networked communication on USpace is so secure for people and organizations that communication can span across government agencies, banks, lawyers, financial institutions, consultants, medical institutions and the everyday home user in a single environment
Advanced Permission Design makes USpace the safest network for people ever available to the public.
cash flow
USpace has the power of a network. But unlike social media networks, USpace is totally private and ready to tackle serious business.
Easy To Use
Anyone who can use Facebook can easily use USpace. USpace is free to the public and any ‘business of one’ right now. In Spring 2020, for just $36/mo, any business can setup global privacy on USpace. For all USpace members, only you, your clients, and staff can access your conversations. We don’t data-mine or invite ourselves into your conversation, just because you’re using our platform.
US-Based Security
Any email can easily be intercepted and viewed on the least secure server in the world. The public won’t put up with this avoidable risk forever. On USpace, conversations and messages are encrypted in transit and at rest on our US-based, independently run servers. USpace connections are totally discreet, blocking other users, stalkers, bots and common network distractions by default.
Accessible To All
A network needs multiple points of access to fit your life. USpace is available anywhere, from any device, with free iOS and Android apps and a mobile web-app that runs on any current browser, on any device in the world, at www.unpublished.space
Less Time
You don’t need more technology; you need technology that replaces old technology with efficiency. Instead of another app competing for more screen attention, USpace wants results, not your time. This app gives you a birds-eye view of your personal and work business in a single, streamlined feed, so you can quickly see what is happening, respond, and get back to real life.